Achtung: Freitag bis Sonntag Mittag ist in englischer Sprache | | |
Friday, March 16, 2012 | | |
Registration starts at 7:00 am | | |
08:45 | - | 09:00 | Address of welcome - and informations |
Session Equine Cognition | | |
Focus: | social cognition/ perception/ earning/ memory/ human-horse interaction/ movement decisions/ �high-level� mental abilities |
09:00 | - | 10:00 | lecture | | |
| | | Odberg, F. | History of schooling and its relation with conditioning laws and welfare |  |  |
10:00 | - | 12:00 | contributed talks |
| | | Isensee, A. | Influence of psychological and physiological arousal in humans on horse heart rate and behaviour |  |  |
| | | Becker-Birck, M.; | Heart rate and heart rate variability in the horse and its rider: different responses to training and a public equestrian performance |  |  |
| | | Vidament, M. | Temperament of stallions: relation with age, breed and level of riders |  |  |
11:00 | - | 11:20 | Coffee Break |
| | | Komárková, M. | Lateralized suckling in domestic horse foals (Equus caballus) |  |  |
| | | Hausberger, M. | On the significance of puzzling behaviours: what do yawning and adult play tell us about horse (Equus caballus) welfare? |  |  |
12:00 | - | 13:00 | lecture |
| | | Shultz, S. | Are equid brains social? Exploring the evolution of equid social structure and social intelligence |  |  |
13:00 | - | 14:00 | Lunch Break |
14:00 | - | 15:00 | lecture |
| | | Pick, D.; Krüger, K. | Heuristics and complex decisions in man and horses |  |  |
15:00 | - | 18:00 | contributed talks |
| | | Sigurjonsdottir, H. | How does group stability and composition affect interactions in horse groups? |  |  |
| | | Pierard, M. | Agonistic and affiliative interactions in group housed riding horses (Equus caballus) |  |  |
| | | Christensen, J.W. | Object habituation in horses: Voluntary vs. negatively reinforced approach to frightening stimuli |  |  |
| | | Gabor, V. | Cognitive testing in Shetland ponies (Equus caballus) using a computer based learning device |  |  |
| | | Lovrovich, P. | The human-given cues and behavioural plasticity of horses during a delayed three choice task |  |  |
| | | Westermann, W. | The contribution of horses (Equus caballus) to human health Requirements, stresses and strains, selection, training, compensation and rectification |  |  |
17:00 | - | 17:30 | coffee Break |
| | | Kultus, K.B. | Analysis of Human-Horse-Relation |  |  |
| | | De Giorgio, F. | Why isolate during training? Social learning and social cognition applied as training approach for young horses (Equus caballus) |  |  |
| | | Pokorná, M. | Social learning in horses |  |  |
18:30 | - | 19:30 | Round table discussion: Do scientific findings correspond to �common knowledge� on the part of experts on horses? How do horse management and training benefit from the findings? |
19:30 | | | Poster session and welcome reception, with drinks and snaks |
Saturday, March 17, 2012 |
Session Equine Ecology |
Focus: | Social behaviour / mating systems / predator avoidance, interactions / resource allocation / habitats / movements /domestic horse husbandry and nutrition |
08:00 | - | 09:00 | contributed talks |
| | | Bartosova, J. | Nursing behaviour in pregnant domestic mares (Equus caballus): Can they cope with dual maternal investment? |  |  |
| | | Stanley, C. | Mummyâs Boys: Sex Differential Maternal Offspring Relationships in Semi-feral Horses |  |  |
| | | Dubcová, J. | Impact of weaning method on weanlingsâ weight gain in domestic horses |  |  |
09:00 | - | 10:00 | lecture | | |
| | | Klingel, H . | Social Organisation and Social Behaviour of the Equids |  |  |
10:00 | - | 10:30 | Coffee Break |
10:30 | - | 11:30 | contributed talks |
| | | Hinrichs, T. | Group management in Active-Stables |  |  |
| | | Flauger, B. | The introduction of horses into new groups: Social interactions and cortisol release |  |  |
| | | Erber, R. | Physiological stress parameters in sport horse mares transferred from group housing to individual stabling |  |  |
11:30 | - | 12:30 | lecture | | |
| | | Houpt, K.A. | Horse husbandry and equine stereotypies |  |  |
12:30 | - | 13:30 | Lunch Break |
13:30 | - | 16:10 | contributed talks |
| | | Wulf, M. | Identification of horses â hot iron branding versus microchip transponders |  |  |
| | | Burla, J.-B. | Validation of the MSR145W Data Logger for Gait Determination in Horses (Equus caballus) |  |  |
| | | Mezei, A. | Analysis of eventing competition results of Hungarian Sporthorses |  |  |
| | | Posta, J. | Genetic evaluation of competition years, as a kind of measurement of durability in Hungarian show-jumping horses |  |  |
| | | Ahmadinejad, M. | Common injuries in athletic horses in Tehranâs riding clubs |  |  |
| | | Bahman, M. | The prevalence of parascaris equorum in Tehran's riding clubs |  |  |
15:30 | - | 16:00 | Coffee Break |
| | | Bartos, L. | Promiscuous behaviour disrupts pregnancy block in domestic horse (Equus caballus) mares: A counterstrategy against possible male infanticide |  |  |
| | | Ralston, S. | Trainability and reactivity of Mustang Horses (Equus Equus) fed Forage-Based Total Mixed (TMR) rations with or without added grain |  |  |
| | | Hampson, B. | The effect of a novel dynamic feeding system on horse behavior and movement |  |  |
| | | Aldridge, B. | Recent Molecular Advances in Equine Nutrition - from Test Tube to Practice |  |  |
17:20 | - | 18:20 | lecture | | |
| | | Russell, M.A. | Solving Current Domestic Horse Nutrition Challenges |  |  |
19:30 | | | Konferenz Dinner |
Sunday, March 18, 2012 |
Session Wild Equid Husbandry and Management |
Focus: | Wild life management with horses in renaturation projects. |
08:30 | - | 09:30 | lecture | | |
| | | Rubenstein, D. | Wild Equid Movements: Impacts of Habitat Quality, Predation Pressure and Leadership |  |  |
09:30 | - | 11:30 | contributed talks |
| | | Bouskila, A. | Group composition and behavior of reintroduced Equus hemionus near a water source in the Negev Desert |  |  |
| | | Bouskila, A. | Leadership roles in movements of free-roaming Konik horses (Equus caballus) in a Dutch reserve |  |  |
10:10 | - | 10:40 | Coffee Break |
| | | Spasskaya, N.N. | Results of investigations of an island population of the feral horse (Rostov Region, Russia) |  |  |
| | | Kampmann, S. | Population dynamics of Australian feral horses in a semiarid environment |  |  |
| | | Hampson, B.A. | Distances travelled by feral horses in âoutbackâ Australia |  |  |
| | | Hillgruber, F. | Humans and Horses 300.000 years ago - An approach to public presentation in the research and experience centre Schöningen spears |  |  |
12:00 | - | 13:00 | Round table discussion: Welfare of equids in parks and renaturation projects: A combined approach with conventional and wild equid science. |
13:00 | - | 14:00 | Lunch Break |
Attention: Public part of conference in German - Der folgende Teil ist in deutscher Sprache |
Sonntag, |
14:00 | - | 15:00 | |
| | | Klingel, H . | Soziale Organisation und Sozialverhalten der Equiden |  |  |
15:00 | - | 17:00 | |
| | | Stucke, D. | "Animal Welfare Indicators (AWIN) - Erforschung von Schmerzindikatoren am Pferd" |  |  |
| | | Krüger, K. | Konfliktlösungsstrategien der Menschen und Pferde |  |  |
15:45 | - | 16:15 | Kaffee Pause |
| | | Hinrichs, T. | Gruppen Management in Aktiv Ställen |  |  |
| | | Zeitler-Feicht, M.H. | Checkpunkte für eine tiergerechte Fütterung von Pferden an Abrufautomaten |  |  |
| | | Kultus, K. | Untersuchungen zur Mensch-Pferd-Beziehung |  |  |
| | | Westermann, K. | Das Therapiepferd: Was macht es so besonders und wertvoll? |  |  |
| | | Reuber, W. | Kennen Pferde ihren Namen? |  |  |
17:15 | - | 18:00 | Filmdarbietung |
| | | Zimmermann, W.; | Operation unterm Kranichhimmel |  |  |
18:00 | - | 19:00 | |
The conference language will be English - the public day will be in German |
Social Activity |
Monday, March 19, 2012 |
08:00 | - | 20:00 | Tour, Palaces for Horses and Humans |
| - | | Visiting the Hit Aktivstall� Gut Kastensee, Lunch, visiting Palace Neuschwanstein |
Poster Presentations |
| | | Ahmadinejad, M. | Promotion of stud management using equine applied science programs Mohsen A. Nejad University of applied science and technology, Tehran, Iran |  |  |
| | | Bahman, M. | The prevalence of parascaris equorum in Tehran's riding clubs |  |  |
| | | Berger, A. | Project on paternal effects to the cognitive and social development of the offspring on feral horses (Equus caballus) |  |  |
| | | Berger, A. | How to come together best? - Studies on integration processes of Przewalski horses into new groups (Equus ferus przewalskii) |  |  |
| | | Dalla Costa, E. | A study on inter-observer reliability of castration pain assessment in horses |  |  |
| | | Ermilina, J.A. | Dominance hierarchy in feral horses in Rostov Region |  |  |
| | | Flauger, B. | Social feeding decisions in horses (Equus caballus) |  |  |
| | | Hall, C. | Picture recognition of con-specifics and facial expression in the horse (Equus caballus) |  |  |
| | | Hori, Y. | Are there breed difference in referential behavior in horses (Equus caballus)? |  |  |
| | | Lojek, J. | Certain factors influencing the condition of free-ranging Konik Polski horses (Equus caballus) in the Bierza National Park |  |  |
| | | Maros, K. | Approaching a horse, approaching a human: Tolerating and seeking human contact in pastured horses |  |  |
| | | Mshelia, W.P. | Husbandry and Management Practices in Domestic horses in Northern Nigeria and their Clinical Implications |  |  |
| | | Novotný, F. | Differences of biochemical and haematological indices in the aging process in cold-blooded horses Norik Muráň type |  |  |
| | | Owen, H. | The use of GPS to measure feeding behaviour and activity patterns in the horse (Equus caballus) |  |  |
| | | Krueger, K. | Third-party intervention |  |  |
| | | Ralston, S. | Trainability and reactivity of Mustang Horses (Equus Equus) fed Forage-Based Total Mixed (TMR) rations with or without added grain |  |  |
| | | Spasskaya, N.N. | Results of investigations of an island population of the feral horse (Rostov Region, Russia) |  |  |
| | | Stanley, C. | Mummyâs Boys: Sex Differential Maternal Offspring Relationships in Semi-feral Horses |  |  |
| | | Takimoto, A.; | Do horses (Equus caballus) show a preference for a fair person? |  |  |
| | | Theodoropoulou, P. | Prevalence of stereotypies amongst Thoroughbred race horses (Equus caballus) in Greece |  |  |
| | | Waiblinger, S. | Human and horse behaviour during veterinary treatments |  |  |